Pet’s Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Any general concerns?
Any current medications and/or supplements?
Any plans or history of boarding, grooming, attending doggy day care, the dog park or travelling with your dog?
What kind of food are you feeding, including treats? How much?
Is heartworm prevention medication up to date or have there been any missed doses?
Has there been any previous vaccine reactions or reactions to other medications? Are you hoping to have specific vaccinations administered today?
How many bowel movements a day?
How many episodes of urination a day?
Is your pet eating and drinking well (or has there been any increase in water intake, any changes in how they are eating)?
Any itching/scratching?
Any limping/stiffness?
Any lumps noticed?
Any vomiting/loose stool?
Any coughing/sneezing?
Any recent or noticeable weight loss?
Any behavioural problems/concerns?
Is there any other questions/information/answers you are hoping to get from your veterinarian today?
Thank you! Our veterinary team will review your pet’s history and will let you know of any recommendations based on this history for your pet’s health.